Strategies & Resources to Improve Work-Life Balance as an Athletic Trainer

As an Athletic Trainer, you know how challenging it can be to find a good work-life balance. You’re working long shifts, on your feet all day, and dealing with a ton of different personalities.

Work-life balance can be difficult to maintain in any job, but when the role you play is taking care of others all day, finding a healthy balance is especially important. 

In a profession where the burnout rate continues to grow, we must identify ways to prioritize ourselves and sustain working in a profession we love so we put together a list of simple yet powerful things you can take action on to create more work-life balance:

  • Create healthy habits & practice self-care rituals: Properly fuel your body, prioritize movement, practice mindfulness, stay hydrated, get sun exposure, and implement any other habits that support your wellness. The goal is to be consistent, so go back to the basics and keep it simple. It’s the little things we do each day that make the biggest impact. To take it a step further and hold yourself accountable, track your habits to maintain consistency and steady progress.
  • Set boundaries: Advocate for yourself at work by asking for what you need and taking time off as needed. Identify priorities and avoid time-wasters by setting a realistic schedule and sticking to it. Speak up for yourself and learn to say “no” when others try to overload you. Saying “no” is a practice and does not make you selfish, it will make you more effective in the long run!
  • Practice self-compassion: We can be our own biggest critics and when stress is an inevitable part of our job it is crucial that we don’t make it harder on ourselves with negative self-talk and unrealistic expectations. Practice self-compassion by being aware of your inner talk, accepting that you can’t do it all, and speaking to yourself kindly.
  • Find a creative outlet/side hustle: Flexing our creative muscles and following our passions can significantly decrease stress and increase overall fulfillment in life. As a company full of multi-passionates, we support and encourage ATs to pursue their interests outside of AT because it’s unrealistic to think we only have one passion. 
  • Get quality sleep: Getting enough quality sleep at the right times is vital for your mental and physical health. Sleep is one of the most underrated ways to improve your quality of life so create a sleep schedule that you can realistically maintain to avoid those late-night Netflix binges. 
  • Use your time off wisely: Spend quality time with loved ones to lower stress levels and make time for connection. In this study, they found that friendships characterized by strong connections reported lower levels of stress than those with weak ties to friends. What this tells us is that human connection outside the workplace is critical, especially amongst those with demanding jobs.
  • Consider non-traditional work: As a company that provides non-traditional opportunities to ATs, we’ve seen firsthand the impact that having a flexible schedule with support to take time off when needed can make. There isn’t one way to practice AT and the old days of burning yourself out with impractical work schedules are in the past. Be open to new experiences and consider opportunities that allow you to work on your own terms! Want to learn more? Check out our opportunities HERE.

To support you even further, here are a few resources to inspire & empower you:

Habits + Routines for Conscious Providers

Free workbook with 3 Self-Compassion Exercises

Habit tracking App

The Burnout Fix

Podcasts Focused on Work-Life Balance

Blog: 5 Ways to Alleviate Compassion Fatigues as a Healthcare Provider

Creating and maintaining more balance is a practice. It won’t happen overnight, but with intentional action and deeper self-awareness, we can start to notice patterns that are holding us back from a life of true fulfillment and satisfaction. We hope these strategies and resources can support you in taking a step towards a more balanced life.

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