Keri Sotak & Michael Donahue: Taking AT Services To The Community

For the fourth installment of our non-traditional AT series, we introduce Keri Sotak and Michael Donahue, Owners of The Athletic Training Room in Ankeny, Iowa and Oakland, California. Read on for their story of identifying a need and bridging the gap through community outreach and education.



About The Athletic Training Room:

The Athletic Training Room is a private sports medicine clinic that provides athletic training services to athletes of all ages and ability levels. We focus on injury prevention, evaluation, treatment, and rehabilitation as well as a variety of other performance-related services. We work with teams and organizations in our communities to provide medical coverage at sporting events in our states. Michael Donahue opened The ATR in Ankeny, Iowa in 2014 and works with multiple local, state, and regional groups to provide sports medicine services. It is part of our mission to build a network of athletic trainers across the country to promote the profession and keep athletes safe. Our second location is owned by Keri Sotak which opened in Oakland, California in June 2017 and is providing athletic training services to local sporting events while educating the public about athletic trainers and the importance of their roles.



Q: What personal experiences or life events sparked your unique practice of athletic training? What professional experiences led you to this path?

A (Michael): As I worked on my graduate degree, I was an assistant athletic trainer with a Division I football team. Looking around the community, I did not see athletic trainers in visible positions outside of universities and on sidelines of high school games. I saw an opportunity to take the services that I was providing for my DI football players to the community. While helping these athletes, I knew that I would be able to educate parents, coaches, athletes, and member of the community about sports safety and the important role an athletic trainer plays in providing a safe environment for athletes. With The ATR opening in California and with another national office coming soon, we hope to build a national network of athletic trainers with the same vision of athletic training.

Q: What space do you currently fill in the AT profession?

A (Keri): Michael and I both work in the Division I collegiate setting and own our respective locations of The ATR. Michael is the co-founder and owner of the ATR in Ankeny, Iowa and I am the owner of The ATR in Oakland, California.

Q: What is your WHY? What keeps you going when things get hard?

A (Michael): I love the opportunity to provide athletic training services for people who may not have easy access to a health care provider. Being able to provide injury evaluation and treatment, referrals, and post-operative rehabilitation to athletes of all ages and ability levels is extremely rewarding. I enjoy every opportunity I have to explain to a person what an athletic trainer is and what he/she can do to make that person better.

Q: What piece of advice would you give to prospective ATs looking to influence or evolve the AT profession?

A (Michael & Keri): We believe the best way to get involved is to become active at your state or district level. Volunteering for a committee is a great way to express your opinions and beliefs about the profession. It is also important that you be patient and do not get discouraged if your vision is not immediately realized. Think outside of the box. If you are passionate about it, it is worth it.

Q: Has your view on the AT industry evolved since pursuing a non-traditional avenue? If so, how?

A (Michael & Keri): We both saw in Iowa and California that ATC’s were not being used to their full potential and abilities. ATC’s are visible on the sidelines of games in a larger setting such as the collegiate level, but were not being used in our communities. We saw the opportunity to take the services we provide in the collegiate setting and take it to the community. While providing these services, we educate coaches, parents, and athletes about sport safety and the important roles athletic trainers play providing safety to athletes.

Q: If you could do it all over again, what would you do differently?

A (Michael & Keri): We would have more business experience going into it because it would make the start-up process much easier.

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Rapid Fire:

Q: What are 1-3 books that have greatly influenced your personal and/or professional life?

A: Uncommon Man by Tony Dungy, League of Denial by Mark Fainaru-Wada & Steve Fainaru, and Arnheim’s Principles of Athletic Training by William Prentice.

Q: What is one of the best or most worthwhile investments you’ve made that has positively impacted your life?

A (Michael): Investment in my education and into The Athletic Training Room have been immensely positive on the professional side.

A (Keri): Investing in myself. Focusing on myself and my future has helped me be able to impact other people’s lives.

Q: What is one habit or behavior that has most improved your life?

A (Michael): One thing that I try very hard to do is to leave my work at the office. I will prepare for my next work day before I leave and then try my best to focus on my family, friends, and myself.

Q: Favorite App to help you keep organized?

A (Michael & Keri): The Apple Calendar App

Q: Favorite quote to keep you motivated?

A: “It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it. If you think about that, you’ll do things differently.” Warren Buffet

Q: Favorite activity to spark creativity and ideas?

A (Michael & Keri): We like to meet with fellow ATC’s in our offices and discuss cases, recent trends, research, techniques, etc. It helps us generate new and unique ideas.

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If you would like to get in touch with Keri & Michael, you can contact them at:

The Athletic Training Room, Oakland, CA: [email protected]

The Athletic Training Room, Ankeny, IA: [email protected]

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